Thursday, May 20, 2010

A day in the life...

Today was one of those days...

LOTS to do.
In a short amount of time.
Makes for a CRAZY day!

I started the morning with a good workout...

So, we got new cable tv yesterday.
And it comes with On Demand workout channels.
I was exited to work out this morning.
So I picked a random channel,
And this is what I heard...

"Mom, you need to go faster!"

"Why don't you just lay down?"

"That doesn't look like what she's doing Mom!"

"You know you can just pause it and take a break Mom!"

"I'm worn out just watching you!"

"If Dad was here he would be cracking up at you!"

Can't believe I made it through, despite the great encouragement from Gavin!

Nope, sorry... there are no photos of my workout.

Gavin and I went to pick up some lunch to take to Ashlyn.
Since this was her last full day of school.

She requested Wendy's (yuck!)

When we pulled in, the drive-thru lane was way backed up.
So we went inside.
They had ONE cashier person!
And it took FOR EVER!

Needless to say... I was LATE to lunch!

But she didn't seem to mind.

She was in a great mood!
The lunch room was loud!

I heard totally random stories from CRAZY 3rd graders!
It really wore me out!

We took a few friend pics...

And then went back to her classroom to see their forts.

She was feeling extra LOVELY!

I got countless hugs AND kisses.
She was even loving on her brother!

I dropped Gavin off for his last day of Kindergarten...
He was just a LITTLE bit excited!
Can you tell?


I had my last FREE afternoon!

And I went to meet Erin at Starbucks...

But Brody was asleep...

So we had our Starbucks in her car!

NO waking a sleeping two year old... EVER!

Then Brody woke up and was loads of entertainment!

He likes to pretend to drive.
The windshield wipers were wiping...
The blinkers were blinking...
The music was BLASTING...
The horn was honking...

He was having so much FUN!
And we just kept talking, despite the craziness!

Then he found some floss and began flossing!
What a crack up!

He was talking to the dog in the vehicle next to us...

Then it was time to go.
He had had enough...

Good times... no matter where we are!


I ran some errands...

Bath & Body Works... HyVee... the Bank...

And then realized that I need to clean out my van!


And there sits my cell phone in the bottom of my purse...
Because my battery died!

It's amazing the attachment I have to my cell phone!
I kept thinking that I heard it ringing...
But nope, not so.

I hoped that the school wasn't trying to get a hold of me.
Or the husband.
Or the mom.
Or the sister.
But nope, not so...

I realized that I don't need to be quite so attached!


Then it was time to pick the kids up from school...

I must say that I will not miss the pick-up line...

Especially in the rain...


The kids were extremely HYPER!

Ashlyn got a metal for MULTIPLICATION!

Gavin loves looking at his yearbook.
And he got LOTS of signatures.
It helps being a little brother.
Most of his signatures are from Ashlyn's friends.

Ashlyn has been planning on having her friends sign this shirt.
She is SO proud of it!

The kids brought home all their school work.
My kitchen table looked like this...

And my living room floor looked like this...

Sad to say I was thankful that the rain canceled Gavin's baseball game tonight.
I'm not sure I could have handled another thing!

What a day!

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