Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Funnies...

It was Girl Scout cookie time (2 years ago) and I told Ashlyn that we needed to go by her troop leader's house to pick up the cookies that she had sold.

Ashlyn got very quiet and with wide eyes said, "Cathy made ALL of those cookies?!?!"

I cracked up!

Can you even imagine?

Gavin loves it when I scratch his back with my finger nails. He asks me all of the time!

One day we were sitting at the computer together...

And I, of course, was scratching his back.

He shivered and said, "Mom! You're giving me FROSTY BUMPS!'

Wow! What a great description!

Who made up goose bumps anyway?

And what does that even mean?

I don't know what it feels like to be a goose.

But I do know what it feels like to be FROSTY!!!